Wild Verses: Bits of Nature Poetry, 6 of 10

“Midnight Flower Tuck-In” – An excerpt plucked from the middle of this poem written summer 2013, revised April 2014:

   in daylight, 
    makes holey each 
poppy leaf,
    all coleus foliage,
this sage skirt,
    day lily limbs.

gorge and belch,
    slick and silent

copyright C. L. Tangenberg

ICYMI – See earlier samples of my poems featured in this Wild Verses series:

  1. from “If I Had Known,” a stanza about ice and coral (free verse), 2013
  2. from untitled lizard poem set in Avignon, France (rhymed), 1998
  3. from “The Blue Jay and the Squirrel” (blank verse w/ final rhyming couplet), 1997
  4. from “Lightning Could Strike” (free verse), 2006
  5. from untitled haiku about bull sharks, written for a poetry course, 2015

The next post in this series plunges into the sea only to meet outer space.